Leave a message above: top right!

31st May 2024

Constance, congratulations ! You made it !
Can't wait to hear from you. I hope everything is doing well, now it's time to rest.

31st May 2024

Hello Meaghan!
Such an amazing experience for all of you. We are so very proud of you and your accomplishment. You have come a long ways from the Brookwood Elementary “Fun Runs”! Can’t wait to see you and hear all about it. Love you and see you soon.

Mom & Dad

John & Bernadette Bryan
31st May 2024

I am so proud of you! You did it! You accomplished something that was incredibly hard, and all of your hard work paid off. I can't wait to see this weekend! Love you! :o)

31st May 2024

Let's go Reed and Chris! You should be finishing the final day right about now. Congrats on crushing the marathon day. keep up the great work. Stay strong and enjoy it!

Tom Morgan
31st May 2024

Congratulations to everyone on completing the IN NAM '24 challenge!!

Team USA (Fernando, Meaghan, Daniela, Darrin, Reed & Chris),

You guys absolutely smashed it out there!! I hope this experience has shown ya'll that there are no limits to what you can achieve with hard work, preparation and dedication. It's been an awesome experience watching you all grow stronger mentally and physically over the past year. Aaron, Anupriya and myself are proud of ya'll and can't wait to hear all the stories. Enjoy the rest of you trip and safe travels back home!

Alex Loera (IN NAM '23)
31st May 2024

Congratulations everyone on completing IN NAM! I am incredibly proud of the strength each of you has shown in getting through this challenge. Let this be the beginning of your journey, not the end!

Jacob and Tom, you've done yourselves and Runcorn proud! We can't wait to get you back to celebrate your accomplishment.

James Gleave
31st May 2024

Still waiting on that test sheet Fernando. You're doing a great job buddy. Keep up the good work.

CBW Planners
31st May 2024


Congratulations on making it this far and hope you’re enjoying it! I’m sure you’re chatting nonsense and singing football chants at people all day. Definitely will need to be a big group trip to Rudy’s after you’re back to hear all about it :)

Katie B
31st May 2024

Congratulations on completing the IN NAM 2024!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️💪🏻 Your hard work and commitment have truly paid off, showcasing your commitment to excellence. This accomplishment marks a significant milestone in your journey, and I am incredibly proud of your perseverance and resilience.
Keep aiming high and reaching for your dreams!
We are so proud of you!!!! I can’t wait to hear from you and tell me all the details of your journey. Te amamos. You have no limits!!!!!
Well done mi niña ❤️

31st May 2024

Hi Jacob!!! We are so proud of you!! Congratulations on completing the challenge. We are all looking forward to hearing all about it here in Runcorn. Un abrazo!!


31st May 2024

Hi Thomas,

I've been keeping up to date with the daily blogs. What an adventure! We're all thinking of you back at Grangemouth. Last big push today. You've got this! You're doing amazing. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return.

31st May 2024

Hi IN NAM '24 Team. Congratulations on completing IN NAM! This is an incredible accomplishment and you should all be incredibly proud. The photos have looked great and the blogs have sounded even better. Can't wait to hear about it all when you get back!

Emma Baker
31st May 2024

Well done to all of you!

Liz Rittweger
31st May 2024

Amazing what you and your teammates have accomplished so far. I am sure today will be another tough run but I have no doubt you all will feel so accomplished at the end of the day. The climb must have been incredible but no snake for me!
Excited to hear about today and to see more pictures.
Cheering you on and sending energizing thoughts from afar!
Love you💙🏃‍♂️🚴 Mom

Lori Pyers
31st May 2024

« Don't stop me now
I'm having such a good time… »
On oublie les douleurs, on rigole un bon coup et on repart. Bon courage les moustachus ou pas.

31st May 2024

Hey Thomas

Loving keeping up to date with your progress through the Daily Blog - all from the comfort of my desk with a cool can of Irn Bru and a roll from the canteen. Sounds like some slog - for you, not me ofcourse :-) We're all super proud of you and cant wait to hear all about it over a roll on haggis when you're back. Enjoy the last day and see you soon X

31st May 2024

Cher Chris, Isaure était ravie de voir une photo de toi et d'avoir de tes nouvelles (et moi aussi, au passage). Ça a l’air beau et chouette et vous semblez former une super team ! Aujourd’hui est une journée intense (comme si elles ne l’étaient pas toutes), alors on pense encore un peu plus à toi. Courage (inutile comme message sachant qu’on te le lira quand tu auras déjà fait tout le boulot). Mais sache que je t’encourage à fond derrière mon ordi. Hâte de lire le récit de vos aventures.
Isaure adore jouer avec « les garçons » qu’elle suit partout. Elle est super heureuse, et ne lâche plus les bottes de Lili (taille 30) (et oui, parce qu’il pleut tout le temps, prépare toi au choc thermique).
Profite de ces derniers jours, malgré la fatigue. On se retrouve bientôt, on compte les jours 😊 Bisous chouchou, love

31st May 2024

Hey Tam (Thomas in Scottish)
Catching up on the blog, you guys are doing fantastic, sounds like you's are smashing it against all the odds (sand, heat and Leopards !!!).
Looking forward to hearing all about it on your return. A typical scottish welcome will await you in the office in style of Haggis roll (once I catch the haggis) and a can of Irn-bru.
take care
Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do Today (Tim Fargo)

Zhenei Gordon
31st May 2024

Hi Thomas,

What an experience!
From the photos it looks like you are having the best time, and smashing every day.
Can't wait to hear all about it when you are back.

From your proud poddie!


31st May 2024

Salut Constance et aux autres "chanceux"!!

J'espère que tu profites à fond, vu ta super préparation je n'en doute pas ;O)
Aujourd'hui marathon et VTT si j'ai bien suivi: très beau challenge et le tout avec le sourire comme d'habitude.

Hâte d'avoir le debrief. Bon retour sur terre et à bientôt.

Romain R.
31st May 2024

Keep going Thomas (Tam) - you've got this in the bag! Hope you're having an amazing time, not too long to go.

Cheers, John

John Fraser
31st May 2024

Hi Thomas,

This experience looks incredible!
Well done so far - we are all rooting for you back in the office!

Can't wait to hear all the stories!


Lisa Monaghan
31st May 2024

Hi Alexis,

All the INEOS Inovyn RTE team is rooting for you !
Good luck in this last push, you can do it, we believe in you !

31st May 2024

Hello Constance,
I am very proud of you. I hope your body battery is still alive :)
I know you are a warrior and I send you all the courage I can. I believe in you !
Take care of you :)

31st May 2024

Wow - congratulations to you all and so proud of the group for supporting each other to accomplish the Brandberg!!

And a special shout out to the US team - we are cheering you on Meaghan, Fernando, Daniela, Darrin, Reed, and Chris!

John Yanosik
31st May 2024

Dios te bendiga 🙏❤️Day 5 done ✔️👏👏👏👏what an inspiring and incredible journey this In-NAM 24 is. You are part of the few!!! One more day mami, almost there. Remember you carry within you the strength of a thousand warriors. What an honor it is that you call me “ mami”. I can’t wait to hear your voice. Te amamos ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

31st May 2024

Inspiring effort from everyone - enjoy the second half of your big adventure.

Terry Banham
31st May 2024

Continue smashing it and keep smiling - there will be many cakes in the office waiting for you! You got this :)

31st May 2024

I know you're doing amazing out there! Just one more day! Cleo's so proud of her mommy! We miss you! Can't wait to see you this weekend. Love you! :o)

31st May 2024

You are killing it. Sending big hugs and many happy thoughts. Hang tight for a little while longer.
Love you!

Donna Hartsaw
31st May 2024

Brilliant photos and amazing effort. Well done Team In-Nam 2024!

Karen Fleming
31st May 2024

y llegó ese momento que parecía tan lejano... los dias de broncearse en Namibia van llegando a su final... 😎🙈
la buena noticia es que te quedas con amistad, los aprendizajes, las reflexiones, las lecciones, las anécdotas y las ganas de seguir expandiendo tus límites💪😊
Mañana te estaremos acompañando de corazón hasta el último tramo💗recuerda sonreír para le foto al llegar a la meta🏁 y que célebres con una merecida cerveza bien fría!🍻
ya tenemos muchas ganas de volver a verte y que nos cuentes cada detalle de esa gran aventura!!

Caro, Leah und Anne💌
31st May 2024

Fernando & Meaghan,

Ya'll are killing it out there. We had no doubts though. If you can survive being an Olefins Maintenance Engineer in Chocolate Bayou, you can thrive in the Namib Desert. If anything, ya'll are on a well deserved vacation. Keep crushing it out there.

CBW Maintenance Eng Team
31st May 2024

Leah te extraña y dice que va a correr contigo en África así que inspirada en eso te envía dos párrafos para acompañarte de alguna manera y enviarte muchas energias para darlo todo hasta el final..

Walking through the desert and what did I see? to my daddy giving his best in the Namibia challenge!🚵‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏜

papá dedo papá dedo donde estás? en Namibia ..en Namibia ..en Namibia!👐

Leah Reich 👧
31st May 2024

almost done.
Keep going.
Hard work pays off.

31st May 2024

Hi Reed!
Sent a message earlier but not sure that it got to where it needed to go. By now, you have finished your marathon and cycling for May 30. Now on the home stretch! Glad to see that you were still upright in the picture! Sending positive energy for a strong finish....so extremely proud of you and taking on this challenge. See you soon Love Mom

Lori Pyers
31st May 2024

Trop fooooort Christophe.Bravo pour ta persévérance. La ligne d' arrivée se rapproche, tu y es presque.Crois en toi, nous on n'y croit en tout cas.On pense à toi et te soutient à fond. Profite aussi de cette incroyable expérience humaine. Bisous Tantine 😉

Françoise Schamp
31st May 2024

VAS y accroche toi, go go go Christophe la fin approche. Courage ++ LE VRAI REPOS APPROCHE et la récompense de l'avoir fait juste bout. Profite bien des dernières heures 👏👍🎖

Annick sch...
31st May 2024

Where is the remote control of the tv? I can’t turn it off anymore and I have been looking everywhere for the last 3 days…

Ps oui je suis content de ma blague pourrie. Bravo pour la journée de la mort et bon courage pour la dernière journée, tu y es presque mon amour ☁️☁️

Paul R
31st May 2024

Hi Johannes,
Ich fiebere jeden Tag dem Tagesbericht entgegen und bin absolut begeistert von der Leistung die du und alle Teilnehmer erbringt. Das harte Training zahlt sich nun aus in diesem großen, absolut beeindruckenden Finale. Wir alle hier sind unfassbar stolz auf deine Leistung und freuen uns, wenn du wieder hier bist und von deinem Abenteuer berichten kannst.

Liebe Grüße von allen, die für dich zu hause die Daumen drücken und dich von hier anfeuern. ❤️

31st May 2024

Cocoooo !
De tout cœur avec toi (en dehors de tout effort). Accroche toi à tes semelles. Pourvu que tu en aies toujours deux.

On croit en toi !

Des gros bisous d'amour 😚
Ben & Pp

B & P
31st May 2024

Nous pensons bien à toi Coco, nous sommes fières de notre belle fille. Profites bien des derniers jours. Gros bisous.
Carolou et Pask

Carole et Paskal
31st May 2024

Pav, why do you look so fresh in the photos? 😂 amazing job so proud of you. Miss you and love you.

31st May 2024


Almost done
Keep going
Hard work pays off


31st May 2024

on était contentes de te voir en photo et de savoir que tout allait bien !!
Bravo !! C’est impressionnant ce que vous faites…
Courage pour ce dernier jour !! 🥰
Nous, on prend le train pour Paris aujourd’hui.
On t’embrasse fort, à ce soir 🤩

Blanche Moinard
31st May 2024

Congratulations to everyone for completing the marathon! 🎉 One day and ~ 100 km left 👟🚲 in the Namibia desert challenge. 🌵 I'm sure you will all do great. I'm looking forward to the pictures and stories LOVE 💕 YOU, Darrin.


Ginger Wilder
31st May 2024

Daniela!!! You are doing an amazing job! May God continue to bring you the strength and the power to complete this challenge 💕 I hope you are having the best time of your life and remember that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! I love you, you are an amazing and inspiring best friend 🥰🥰

31st May 2024

I am so incredibly proud of you for taking on this challenge. Your training and dedication have paid off. We miss you at home but know you’re having the experience of a lifetime. You’re almost there keep working hard!!

31st May 2024

Chris and graduates: Congratulations on all your accomplishments this week! One day to go and we know you will finish strong. All the best from the Robbins family!!

31st May 2024


Congrats on your accomplishment. Great success!! Very nice, High five!

Hope you and the team enjoy bag of potatoes to celebrate tonight.

Wa wa wee wa,

31st May 2024

nous sommes tous avec toi !! on croise les doigts

Laurent P
31st May 2024

HUGE congratulations to the whole InNam 24 team as you reach the end of your adventure - what an achievement! We have loved reading the amazingly descriptive blog and seeing the photos - it looks so hot! Enjoy your well deserved celebration tonight!

Allison Crawford
31st May 2024

Hi Jacob and all the team,

Great effort so far - good luck for the final push!

Kind regards

Peter Dee
31st May 2024

Bravo Constance ! courage !

31st May 2024

To all the team,
Congrats to all of you for accomplish such challenge ! Small message for Wim and Christophe, bring back the sun in Belgium, we would appreciate ;-).
Looking forward to hear your adventures back in NOH!

31st May 2024

Keep going Thomas, Pretzels and Beers waiting for your return !

Issy, Emilie, Matt & Nina
30th May 2024

Hi Megan, Donald, and Anupriya,
Sorry I have slacked really bad at sending messages. Hopefully this one gets to you at the very end of the journey. So proud of all of you! Remember you have the same number of hours in the day as Beyonce.

Amy Metzger
30th May 2024

Big greetings to the whole team and Pavel Vedernikov from my mother and brother! not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only all together!!!🤩💪💪

Irina and Rodislav
30th May 2024


Nos alegra saber que ya has logrado llegar hasta este punto... dos días mas y habras conquistado este reto!✌️
Una frase de uno de tus libros favoritos dice:
"There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet."
así que sigue corriendo🏃‍♂️, caminando🚶‍♂️ y pedaleando🚵‍♂️ con mucho ánimo que si se pudo! 🤗

PS:nos dió mucha alegría verte sonriendo en la cumbre!😎🇨🇴

Caro, Leah und Anne💌
30th May 2024

Cher Chris j espère que la lumière dans ce pays mystérieux est porteuse de forces et de beauté , keep on doing 👍tu y es presque arrivé

30th May 2024

Great job so far US grads (and everyone else)!! Very impressed and can't wait to hear stories when everyone is back!

Henry Lively, Derek Yeardly and the C3 Resource Team
30th May 2024

Fernando, Meaghan, Daniela,

You three are truly inspiring! I am so glad I was able to watch you train over the last year for this amazing journey. Keep reaching for the stars but save some energy for the Tour De France challenge!

One more thing, I should warn you that most of the PSSR post start up action items are being assigned to you guys!

30th May 2024

IN NAM '24, you guys are just built different. I am sitting here in shock at your modified Brandberg itinerary - hoping each of you realize there's literally nothing you can't do for the rest of your lives. Keep this strength with you always.
Y'alls biggest fan (you know who you are),

Anupriya Gupta
30th May 2024

Hallo Nico, spannende, herausfordernde Tage mit einzigartigen Erlebnissen und wohl auch Grenzerfahrungen, eine tolle Leistung!
DIR und EUCH gutes Gelingen auch für die letzten Tage. Genießen und kämpfen, du schaffst das!

Die Frechener

30th May 2024

Hi Angela,
wow, amazing what you and everyone achieved so far. I hope you had awesome experiences, beautyful sunrises and a lot of fun after the pain 😉
Keep going, stay healthy and enjoy every second!
Good luck for marathon tomorrow!
And of course, Heja BVB
Love you, Nils 😘

30th May 2024

To Chris Congratulations for what you did so far Tomorrow, will be certainly a tough day, but you and your colleagues, I am sure, will make it. All family and friends support you.

30th May 2024

Bravo ma championne pour cette belle descente, j’espère que tu n’avais pas trop de beurre.
Bon courage pour la big journée demain, je suis sur que ça va aller car t’es une machine à motivation et t’as un mental d’acier. C’est tout dans la tête, courage mon chat

Paul R
30th May 2024

I am so proud of my sister ! (even if I already was proud of course)

Good luck for the second part of this journey.

30th May 2024

Hi Johannes
It's amazing what you've already achieved! We look forward to hearing your stories and wish you a great time! We wish you lots of energy and good regeneration for the last few days. Enjoy it.
See you soon and best wishes from the whole family 💪

30th May 2024

Hello Daniela! Almost done baby, almost!! We know you got this. So proud of all you've accomplished. Keep it up Sweetie. We love you🥰🙏❤️🙌🏻

Jaime and Carolina
30th May 2024

Congratulations on conquering Brandburg!

Daniela, Meaghan, Fernando, Darrin and Chris - keep on killing it, y'all are my inspiration!

Ash Deepak
30th May 2024


We rooting for you, boss! Keep making us proud!!!

30th May 2024

Super proud of all your hard work so far! V glad to hear you've made it down the mountain in one piece.
We've been checking the blog every day to check you're still there in the photos :D
Nearly there now!! Keep going, just a lil marathon and then you're almost home xoxo

Holly C
30th May 2024


How goes it? Hope it goes good and you're having fun. Well done and keep going, Tom! You're doing fantastic. Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday for kiev, chips and a catch up (and a side salad of course).

P.s. hope you're practicing your French ;)

À bientôt!

Emma Kayley
30th May 2024

So happy to see your smile on top of Brandberg!! A great accomplishment for everyone.
Keep up the great work on the rest of the trip. You have trained hard and nice to see the rewards!!
We love you! Can’t wait to see you!!❤️❤️

Bernadette and John
30th May 2024

Hola Fernando Hernández alias fernandito cómo te ba te saluda tu mamá y familia cuídate mucho ❤️❤️❤️👍🏻👍🏻

Leticia Hernández
29th May 2024

Congratulations INNAM '24 on conquering the Brandberg!!

Team USA (Fernando, Meaghan, Daniela, Darrin, Reed and Chris),

We're all cheering for you guys on over here and are proud of all the hard work you've all put in over the last year. Keep pushing on, only two more days left. Continue working as a team, stay safe and take care of each other!

Don't forget to look around and enjoy every single bit of your time out there, it will be over before you know it! Crack On!!

-Alex Loera (INNAM '23)

Alex Loera
29th May 2024

Great job everyone on conquering the Brandberg ! Your dedication is truly inspiring ! A special shoutout to Constance for her incredible spirit. Give it your best and make it unforgettable. It will be all finished by the time you realize you are actually doing the Namibia challenge !
Best regards!
PS: Phill is all about “kill me now, love me later”

29th May 2024


You are half way through your Africa journey. Keep going and don’t give up. Believe in yourself. We love you and we can’t wait to see you!


Andres E. Cabrera
29th May 2024

Hello Alessandro, Enjoy the beautiful environment, the great collegues and the hopefully better weather as it is in Antwerp


Peter Verhaegen
29th May 2024

Hallo Alessandro,
IN NAM ; ongetwijfeld een onvergetelijke (levens)ervaring. Geniet van de sportieve uitdagingen en vooral ook van het adembenemend landschap! Wij duimen voor jou!

Laurence, Peter, Benny en Danny
29th May 2024

Great achievement everyone so far! All the best for the remaining challenge to Pavel and the team from the KG Tech Supporters!

29th May 2024

You did it! You conquered the Brandberg! So proud of you! Can't to see you in a few days, and explore Europe with you! Love you! :o)

29th May 2024

To all the team,
Congrats for the path already accomplish and best of luck for your huge marathon day tomorrow! Enjoy the views and this amazing aventure. A special thought goes to Wim and Christophe, looking forward to hear your sotries back in NOH!

29th May 2024

Dios te bendiga mi amor!!!!! Day 4 is complete!!!! What a accomplishment ❤️ Mami & papi are so proud of the strong and determined woman we were blessed to raise❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Time is going by fast. Enjoy the last two challenges of this amazing adventure. We love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

Doys y Andres
29th May 2024

Hi Alessandro,

Remember, every step you take is a testament to your strenght. Keep pushing forward, and know that we're all cheering you on from afar. You've got this!

Best of luck, enjoy and stay safe!

Robin Heus
29th May 2024

Mon Chris,
J’espère que les deux jours et la nuit se sont bien passés! Ca devait être beau 💫 j’espère que tu n’as pas rencontré de bestiole indésirable 🦂
Tu nous manques beaucoup, on espère que tu vas bien. J’ai hâte d’avoir de tes nouvelles.
Isaure t’embrasse fort, et t’imagine parmi les zèbres.
On t’embrasse très fort. On t’aime 😘

Isaure et Blanche
29th May 2024

Congratulations to everyone for completing the Brandburg! The group here has enjoyed reading the blog posts and looking at the photos - we are proud of you all. And for those of you from Chocolate Bayou - Meaghan, Fernando, and Daniela - the Turnaround will still be here when you get back (we will leave the light on for you)!

John Yanosik
29th May 2024

Hi Allessandro, we hope that you enjoy the adventure !

Alkox Team
29th May 2024

Lieber Thomas,

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur erfolgreichen Halbzeit Eures Wüstenabenteuers.
Wir sind stolz auf Dich.
Für die nächsten beiden Tage wünschen wir Dir und dem Team nochmals neue Energie.
Herzliche Grüße,
Papa und Mama

Markus Reich
29th May 2024

Moin Pico,

ich hoffe du genießt die grandiose Natur + Verpflegung und die alten Knochen halten! Weiterhin viel Erfolg und Vollgas beim Laufen und Radfahren!


29th May 2024

Congratulations everyone on completing the Brandberg! You're certainly aching in ways you didn't know was possible but you're well over halfway through now, so keep at it!
Tomorrow will be another challenge for sure but just remember to pace yourselves, live in the moment and enjoy it as much as you can.
A special shoutout to our resident Luton "Hatter", we know you're smashing it, Jacob - we're all rooting for you!
All the best from Ben and the Runcorn family

Ben Routledge
29th May 2024

Good Afternoon Reed
By now,you should be halfway down the mountain or maybe finished! You are halfway finished with this amazing adventure. Sending positive thoughts and energy your way to finish strong! I cannot wait to hear your stories and yes, I have a few inquisitive questions for you.
Stay strong and know that I am cheering you on from home.. Love you! Mom

Lori Pyers
29th May 2024

Très dur, je n'en doute pas ... Super chaud , indéniablement ... plus de mon âge tout ça :D
Mais au moins vous avez du soleil ... Ici il pleut, il pleut, il pleut,il pleut... Courage à tous et en particulier à Wim et Christophe

Pascale Godon
29th May 2024

Congrats to all for making it this far!
I hope you enjoyed the Brandberg, the mountain top picnic and sleepover and especially the stunning views up and downhill.
We are all thinking of you from grey and rainy Europe and I personally am quite jealous of the heat!
Recover well tonight and all spirits high for the marathon tomorrow - it is a very beautiful run and last year most of us actually enjoyed it.

Go go go

29th May 2024

Wim, Christophe,

I am sure you are having a great time experiencing this challenge! Keep the motivation and spirit up. We are waiting for you to tell your stories when you will be back in NOH. Don't forget to bring some sunshine back with you as it is awful here.

See you soon :-)


Eléonore Triffaux
29th May 2024

Grit your teeth gang, and rigorously keep on slogging. With a few jokes along the way.
That's what makes INEOS great!

Jonny Ginns
29th May 2024

Viel Erfolg weiterhin bei der Challenge, Angela! Jetzt wo der Berg geschafft ist, ist der anstrengendste Teil hoffentlich überstanden!
Wir denken an dich und senden dir Kraft für weiteren Tage!

29th May 2024

Congratulations to everyone on making it down the mountain! You may not be loving the Brandberg right now, but I promise you will later look back at what you just accomplished with a sense of disbelief. And, hopefully the night sky made up for the uncomfortable rock campsite. You're more than halfway done, so enjoy tomorrow's 42km tour around the desert and then the rollercoaster of a downhill ride knowing that if you have made it this far, the rest only gets better and better.

Shout out to my (prior) BMC folks Darrin and Meaghan

Sara James IN NAM '21
29th May 2024

Your mother and I hope that you and the rest of the INEOS team are all doing well on the challenge. We can’t wait to hear about all the details of your experiences there and are very proud of you. Hopefully all of that training is paying off for all of you! Good luck with the remaining events and stay strong and be safe! Love you

John & Bernadette Bryan

John & Bernadette Bryan
29th May 2024

Meaghan and Daniela,

We know you smashed it going up and down the Brandberg.

Next up, PR for your desert marathon?!

Couldnt ask for a better duo to represent U.S. INNAM Women.

Megan & Anupriya - INNAM '23 :)
29th May 2024

Keep up the great work. Stay relaxed, peace yourselves, and stop to take on the view. Sounds like you are crushing it so far! Half way there - you got this 💪🏼

Tom Morgan
29th May 2024

Keep it up Daniela, Fernando, Meaghan, Darrin, Reed, and Chris - we are proud of you! Let's goooo!!

John Yanosik
29th May 2024

For Constance,
Coucou Coco!
On te souhaite une très belle aventure. On sait que ça sera un peu plus difficile que coaching à JO mais t’inquiète pas tu vas le gérer !
Gros bisous
Marielle et PJ

Marielle et Pierre-Jean
29th May 2024

Hâte d'avoir de tes nouvelles, ma fille chérie.
Vous avez heureusement un grand soutien logistique, mais vous accomplissez personnellement quelque chose de très exigeant, j'espère que tu vas bien.
Je pense beaucoup à toi et t'embrasse

29th May 2024


Hace unos años estabas ascendiendo y acampando en la Limburg y hoy escalaste y dormiras bajo el cielo estrellado de la Brandberg... admirable! mira que lejos has llegado.👏👏
tu entrenamiento no empezó hace un año, parece que la vida misma te ha estado entrenando para este épico momento! descansa y sigue adelante sabemos que lo estás haciendo excelente!💯

Te amamos y te seguimos acompañando desde la distancia!✌️😼❤

PS1: si te lo preguntabas la respuesta es: SÍ. Ser el caballito de Leah también cuenta como entrenamiento! 👧🦄
PS2: disfruta estar mas cerca de las estrellas y mañana con confianza pero con cautela en el descenso! 🧗😉

Caro, Leah und Anne💌
29th May 2024

Hi Pavel, hope you're enjoying the challenge so far. Loved seeing you in the photos. Looking forward to hearing of the teams adventures scaling the mountain and then coming back down. Good luck to everyone for the rest of the challenge.
Andrena :)

Andrena Massie
29th May 2024

Ola dear Christophe , thinking of you on the top of your mountain. Enjoy

29th May 2024

Dear Constance, I'm sure this third day has gone well and that you are loving your adventure.
Here the ham is fine, the bathroom is almost finished (ie the bathroom is empty, wet and looks like it’s coming from a horror movie).
I've made a few changes to the plan of the house to suit me more (no, no, I didn't take advantage of your absence at all - on mettra du carrelage orange écarlate pour info, la commande est passée tkt) and since absentees are always wrong (pas sur de cette expression en anglais mais soit), you'll have to abide by my decisions mouahaha.
Kisskissbangbang and I hope you don't have too much sand in your shoes!

Paul R
29th May 2024

IN’NAM 24 cohort!

Congratulations on completing the first few days of this amazing challenge. A special shout out to Thomas and Pavel representing team Grangemouth. Conditions so far sound tough in the heat – hopefully a few post-cycle Tafels are helping out. I bet all the training you done through a Scottish winter doesn’t seem all that bad now!

Good luck for the coming days and enjoy every minute of it. Shoulders back and smash it everyone!

29th May 2024

Hi Pavel,

Hope you are having a brilliant time in Nam. It sounds like a tricky start but we're sure you are smashing it. A nice wee beer in the evenings will be well earned.

KG Tech Team
29th May 2024

Hi Jacob, go for it! More easy than the ADD case!

Wouter Bleukx
28th May 2024

The Brandberg mountain days were my favourite and I would love to go back! Massive congratulations to all of you for making it to this point...and a special shout-out to Christophe and Wim, I am rooting for you from Rolle and thought of you during my run today. Let's go guys, stay strong and take it all in!!

28th May 2024

Good luck to everyone for this challenge. Stay strong and enjoy!

28th May 2024

You made it to the top! I'm proud of you! You did it! Hope you're having a blast out there. You got this! Love you!

28th May 2024

Dear Thomi,
We hope you have an amazing time in Namibia pushing boundaries and enjoying this special experience.
We are sending you happy thoughts, strengths and good vibes. We are very proud of you for always challenging yourself. We hope that you and everyone on this trip will have great memories and enjoy this unique trip.

Cheering for you and sending you hugs from Norway,
Clara and Anders Jakob

Clara and Anders Jakob
28th May 2024

Please be careful as in this kind of physical activites low back pains can occur !
Also good luck to everyone and have fun

28th May 2024

Dear Constance,

Congrats on these three first days ! It’s a crazy challenge but I’m sure you are doing great !
I wish you to keep being strong, tu put on sunscreen and drink water as much as needed.
Enjoy this week with all your team and come back with great memories.
Love you from a rainy France,


28th May 2024

The Addyston site is sending our energy your way for today's challenge. Reed and Chris, you got this! Be safe and enjoy the experience.

Brian Lucas
28th May 2024

Tu peux être fier de toi Chrichri ! 😎 au moins autant que nous sommes fières et admiratives ! J’imagine que certains moments sont (très) durs; mais je ne doute pas de ta volonté et de tes capacités. Allez allez 💪🏻 tu vas y arriver ! Courage !!!
On pense vraiment beaucoup à toi, et j’attends le récit de vos aventures et les photos chaque jour avec impatience. J’ai vraiment hâte que tu nous racontes. Et j’espère que tu en profites à fond.
Ici on va bien, mais tu nous manques beaucoup. Isaure parle beaucoup de toi aujourd’hui, elle est d’ailleurs à côté de moi, (comme ça tu as son message en direct 😉) « moi aussi j’aime mon papa ».
On t’embrasse très fort ! 🥰
Ps: Si j’ai bien compris, c’est ce soir la nuit à la belle étoile, profites en bien !!! je pense que ce sera superbe 🤩

Isaure et Blanche
28th May 2024

Día 3 espero disfrutes la vista desde la cima de la montaña. Dios te bendiga y llene de fortaleza física y mental. Pensando en ti todo el tiempo. Ojalá pueda verte en una fotografía hoy. Te abrazo y te envío buena energía. Recuerda sonreír y disfrutar la experiencia. Te amamos profundamente! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

28th May 2024

I'm sure you're smashing it!! Have an amazing time and see you when you you're back in the smoke.

28th May 2024

Dearest Robin,

The report from the first two days indicates that it’s quite challenging, which I expected given the nature of your adventure. It sounds like you are pushing yourself to new limits and experiencing something truly unique. Remember, opportunities like this don’t come around often, so make sure to enjoy every moment to the fullest. Embrace the highs and the lows, as these experiences will become cherished memories. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so keep strong and keep pushing forward.

Also, please remember there is no such thing as too much sunscreen

Take care and enjoy every second!


28th May 2024

Hello Jacob,
Good luck and have an amazing time! Kick the climb and we will have some sweet goodies waiting in the office for your return. Tracey

Tracey Jackson
28th May 2024

Coucou Christophe, allez allez des 🦵 jambes et bon morale c'est la réussite. Admire aussi la beauté des paysages sûrement sublime.
Bon courage et plein d'énergie. Bisous.
Annick Sch

Annick Sch
28th May 2024

Dear Jacob,

I hope you are having an amazing time and you conquered the Brandberg without any issues. Enjoy the experience and the last few days. Make sure you get some Strava stats as Ben R has been saying he is sure he could run a faster marathon than you.
All the best, Sam

Sam C-K
28th May 2024

Good luck to all the Belgium Grads. Alexis, Wim, Thor, Robin, Christophe and Alessandro. Enjoy the Brandberg climb and the crazy views. I hope the mice didn't eat anyone in the night. You should be down off the mountain when you read these messages and only two easy days to go. Keep up the great work.

Sam C-K
28th May 2024

Hey Jacob, enjoy the experience! But try to come back quickly, or your deskmate will get depressed and eat all the sweet treats

28th May 2024

À C. La potagère,
N’oublie pas de profiter d’être sur place pour parfaire ton bronzage, tu as le visage pâle.

28th May 2024

Courage pour ce super challenge!

28th May 2024

Greetings Reed!
Well day 2 behind you and tomorrow you trek up the Brandberg. Sending lots of positive energy your way as I get tired thinking about that climb
No worries though,I know you will do great! Happy to see your smiling face in the picture today
Your perseverance makes me so very proud of you.
Stay safe and know I am sending much love to you!
Love…. Mom💙 🏃‍♂️⛰️🚵

Lori Pyers
28th May 2024

Congrats on another successful day for the team. Darrin, If I was allowed to join you for a day, day 3 would be it!! Enjoy your climb up the mountain and the sights you will see. Know that I am with you in spirit. Sleep wonderfully under the milky way. Love and prayers are heading your way always. Mom

Ginger Wilder
28th May 2024


Un petit coucou pour te dire qu’on pense à toi ! On est super fiers et admiratifs de ce que tu es en train d’accomplir.
Sois forte et profite de ces instants hors du temps.

Gros bisous.

Mathilde and Gary
28th May 2024

WOW! 2 days down and I am sure you are tired and sunburned, but you are doing super. Stay strong and enjoy the little things like the sunrise. Can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip.
Love you lots

Donna Hartsaw
27th May 2024

Buenos dias acompañándolo desde aquí deseándole que el resto lo pase sin contratiempos esto tiene que gozarlo así será más fácil manteniendo la calma y a su paso
Se que puedes arriba con todos los ánimos

Jesus Omar Escobar
27th May 2024

Thomas, felicidades por todo lo que has hecho hasta ahora, cada día vendrá lleno de un desafío que seguro asumirás de la mejor forma, gracias por ser un ejemplo de voluntad y constancia, mucho ánimo para el próximo desafío!

Johana Escobar
27th May 2024

Thomas, te enviamos mucho ánimo y fortaleza desde el otro lado del mundo para el desafío de mañana, cada paso es uno más cerca de la meta, así que a disfrutar cada momento hasta lograr lo que tanto has trabajado!!
Un abrazo, Johana!

27th May 2024

Howdy from Texas and woo hoo, yall have made it to the Brandberg! Enjoy the journey, you will come down a different person than you were when you left.

Shout out to the best support team. Cycletec/Pat/Lloyd/Phil/Jane - I will forever cherish the memories of y’all at the “back of the pack” with me, but I know yall are thoroughly impressed with this years grads! And good luck keeping up with Chris R.
Can’t wait to hear of everyone’s success.
Pat, please no throwing bugs on innocent, unsuspecting grads this year ;)

Lastly, special shout out to the US grads! I know yall are killing it!

Megan Welch - INNAM ‘23 (p.s. pls bring me back for an INNAM reunion tour!)
27th May 2024

Yes you Can Christophe, believe in your capacities, you be already done so much
There will be an happy end , keep on and try to sleep well tonight to be fit and well tomorrow.

The Baranowski's
27th May 2024

Hi Namibia Team,

After having a rather warm welcome to Namibia yesterday, today you have arrived at the Brandberg. Remember, the part you can see from camp is only the beginning of the climb!
However, you will have conquered the mountain tomorrow by noon and with it the first half of the challenge. Remember to enjoy the challenge while you can, it passes far quicker than you realize!

Special greetings to my German colleagues: Johannes, Agnes and Nico

All the hard work payed off and I am positive that you are having a blast in Namibia. I hope the bikes in Namibia are matching the trails better than they did on our weekender. :)

I am looking forward to hearing your stories when you come back.

Also greetings to the amazing Namibia Team: Phill, Jane, Pat, Lloyd and Dieter. Last years grads still have good memories with all of you!

27th May 2024

Daniela mi amor!!!!
Bravo! Felicitaciones me encantó verte sonreír en la foto donde están bajo la carpa disfrutando después de completar el desafío del dia 1. Sigue así…. Y cuando la fatiga llegue, recuerda que tú puedes, tú puedes, eres una mujer muy fuerte y determinada. Se feliz, es la clave, sigue sonriendo, sigue luchando, esta semana será inolvidable. Una semana que te recordará quien eres. Papi y mami contigo siempre. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

27th May 2024


cuando regreses nos tienes que contar como se siente estar en la cima😌⛰️
mucha fortaleza para mañana y te enviamos montones de besos y abrazos!
PS:Leah dice que para recargarte en los momentos duros recuerdes las veces que entrenaron juntos🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Caro, Leah und Anne💌
27th May 2024

🎼🎵🎶 So she said, "What's the problem, baby?"
What's the problem? I don't know
Well, maybe I'm in love (love)💕
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this?
Just to cure it 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)💗
Makes me wanna turn around and face me
But I don't know nothing 'bout love, oh
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Because everybody's after love...🎵🎶🎶

Mir zwoi send wie Lense ond Schpätzla❤️‍🔥
Ich liebe dich!💘

PS1: Leah esta encantada (y yo también 😍) con la caja sorpresa que le dejaste pero esta feliz de compartirla!😋
PS2: Aquí ha estado lloviendo montones así que este año el sol, la arena y el cielo estrellado corren por tu cuenta 😎🌌😅

27th May 2024

Great job to all of you, keep it up,
Wim & Christophe : all NOH is supporting you, if you you can, don't forget bringing back a bit of sun to Belgium !

Marco Piccinini
27th May 2024

Congrats on Day 1. Was able to see you and NAM group in the Blog! What a treat! Stay strong for Day 2. Your dad snd I are rooting for you! Love you!!

27th May 2024

Great team. The bike ride seems to be less muddy than in the Belgian Ardennes. Go INOVYN, the others and Jacob, unleash the power of the mustaches.

Jean-Christophe Lepers (INOVYN)
27th May 2024

You completed your first doubleheader! Woo! I know you're probably nervous about tomorrow's hike, but you got this! I'm proud of you! Cleo's proud of you too! Love you!

27th May 2024

Bravo Constance. Tu vas faire des étincelles, j’en suis sûr. Je t’embrasse. Papa

27th May 2024

À la fausse italienne,
C’est le moment d’envoyer, le plus dur c’était la préparation maintenant c’est de la rigolade. La Namibie, quelques cailloux et un peu de sable, rien d’insurmontable pour toi. Pas de bras pas de chocolat, reviens nous avec le sourire. 💪

Odile Deray
27th May 2024

Dear IN NAM Graduates,
Congratulations on your remarkable achievement getting to Namibia! As you conquer the vast desert through running and mountain biking, you embody the spirit of resilience, determination, and adventure.
Your journey is not merely physical; it’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome challenges and embrace the unknown. Among your ranks, we proudly recognize the Belgian participants & the Black Stallion (sorry Alexis), who are sure are doing their utmost to proudly represent your ambassadors 😊.
When fatigue threatens to slow your pace, draw strength from the desert’s secrets—the tenacity of the resilient desert-adapted flora, the elusive oryx navigating the dunes, and the whisper of the wind carrying tales of forgotten civilizations.
Celebrate your victories—the miles conquered, the summits reached, and the camaraderie forged under the vast Namibian sky. May your memories be etched in the sand, your laughter carried by the desert winds, and your spirits forever intertwined with this ancient land.
Keep pedaling, keep running, and keep believing in the magic of exploration. It’s truly a unique journey and you should enjoy every second of it. The Namibian desert bows to your courage, and we applaud your indomitable spirit.
With admiration and pride,

Jaro and Nikola
27th May 2024

Great job CBW team and all the Grads so far!! Keep up the strong work!

Henry Lively
27th May 2024

Esperamos que el indómito desierto los haya recibido con amabilidad y que a pesar de la dura jornada hayan podido apreciar la belleza de la naturaleza y que la sigan apreciando.🌅🎇😎
Cada dia trae sus batallas como también sus pequeñas y grandes victorias, solo cada uno sabe con lo que ha tenido que luchar, lo importante es aprender, ser resilente, agradecer y seguir con fortaleza.🤘
cuentas con un gran apoyo, allá tienes un equipo y desde aquí te enviamos nuestro amor y todas las mejores energías para que conquistar el dia a dia de este desafio. ❤️🥰😘

te extrañamos, te amamos y te admiramos! 🦊🐥🐣

PS: hoy fue el primer día asi que recuerda reservar energía para el dia 6.🔋

Caro, Leah und Anne💌
27th May 2024

You're an amazing and strong woman. We know you'll have a wonderful experience and will kick butt!! LOL!! LOVE YOU SWEETIE & GOOD LUCK!

Jaime and Carol Gonzalez
27th May 2024

Your Dad and I are so proud of you as you begin your trek. You have trained hard and can’t wait to hear your adventures! ❤️

Bernadette and John Bryan
27th May 2024

Daniela, they are calling for T101 final inspection, are you free to head over there?
In all seriousness, congrats with getting done with day 1 Daniela, Fernando, Meaghan and Darrin! Enjoy the rest of your trip

C3 Resource Team
27th May 2024

Es una gran experiencia para fortalecimiento corporal y mental las cuales no dudamos que le falte siempre ha demostrado lo capaz que es y se da de cuenta que podemos llegar muy lejos estamos hecho de acero
Felicidades y ánimo
Un fuerte abrazo

Jesus Omar Escobar
27th May 2024

Lieve Thor
fijn om te zien dat de eerste dag goed verlopen is.
Doe het goed morgen en de volgende dagen!
Liefs van ons allen

Kristine Teugels
27th May 2024

Day 1 of the journey has been completed!!!!! Here at home we are celebrating that first step. Mami, papi, Andrés, y La abuela are so proud of you! Stay positive, keep smiling, keep pushing, you got this ❤️ Restart, reset, refocus, I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow. We love you 😘

27th May 2024

Pensándolo bien…creo que es mala idea lo de hacerse el desmayado; así que, a pedalear!!!

Andrea Escobar
27th May 2024

Seems like Namibia wasted no time in doing what it does best - making some of you miss the colder climate of Northern Europe right off the bat.
Keep your spirits high and your senses sharp for what lies ahead. I’m sure you’ll enjoy each day more and more despite the cramps, the sore legs, the injuries… you name it…
Good luck to all and a big shout-out to the best support team on the planet.
Filipe Marques

Filipe Marques
27th May 2024

Reed and your teammates
Congratulations on completing day 1! I had to convert 40degreesC and that is pretty dang hot!
So proud of you… I know you will keep moving through the challenges with perseverance and strength
Stay strong and know we are cheering you on from home. Your hard work is paying off! Love Mom

Lori Pyers
27th May 2024

Constance, bon courage pour la deuxième journée.
T’es la meilleure, je suis si fier de toi!

Paul R
27th May 2024

You made it to Namibia, good luck to all of you!

Talking from experience: Enjoy every second of this epic adventure, it will be over in a blink of an eye. Stay safe, support each other and take it easy :)

Special shoutout to the German grads: Looking forward to hear all your stories :)

Florian (INNAM 23, group 1)
27th May 2024

Congrats everyone on your grand adventure. Work hard! Be Safe! We are enjoying reading about your trials and tribulations. Be strong Darrin!


Charlie Wilder
27th May 2024

Big hello to Pavel VEDERNIKOV and all the athletes! Movement is life! forward!💪💪

Pavel”s Mam
27th May 2024

Happy birthday Alexis!

Mom and Dad
27th May 2024

Happy birthday Alexis !
I am looking forward to reading the next chapters of this adventure and cannot wait to hear your stories.
Take care !

27th May 2024

Hello Constance and all,
I wish you and all the participants plenty of courage for this amazing adventure.
I believe in you Constance that you will suceed and never give up. You are the most determinated woman I know.
The most important not to forget : Take care !
See you soon,

27th May 2024

Howdy from Texas to our US In-Nam Grads! Im sure y’all are killing it so far. We are all so proud of y’all. As you get ready for the easiest two day hike of your life, just remember to enjoy it, take in the spectacular views and this amazing adventure! Lastly, a special shoutout to our junkyard dawgs! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! Y’all got this!!!
-Tyler C

Tyler C
27th May 2024

Bravo Chris pour cette première journée !!!
Mazette, elle avait l’air intense !! Je suis admirative. Vous deviez être fiers et heureux en arrivant !
Courage pour cette deuxième journée 💪🏻
Le programme n’est pas du tout le même ici, Isaure s’est baignée et gambade partout. Elle est ravie !! Et les résultats sont très bons 🤩 GP, GM et les British restent sans voix devant tes exploits.
On t’embrasse tous très fort, et on t’envoie toute notre force 🥰 on t’aime
Ps: pratique le casque de vélo jaune, ca me permet de te repérer sur les photos ;)

Blanche Moinard
27th May 2024

To our Grangemouth crew Pavel and Thomas ..and all the other Graduates...well done on completing Day 1. Conditions sounded the toughest ever and a real test of endurance. Well done and I bet that beer was the best you ever tasted! You have trained hard and am sure you will smash it!

Karen Fleming
27th May 2024

Good luck Pavel and the rest of the Graduates you will smash it! Looking forward to watching your fantastic adventure!

Arlene Wren
27th May 2024

Pav, Sounds like quite a first day you’ve had! Keep the blog posts coming :) Amazing pictures- trip of a lifetime! Soak it all in and enjoy it. So proud of you, you’ve done so much to get to this point. Lots of love.

27th May 2024

Hi Thomas, Pavel and all the grades out there,

Good luck for your In Nam week, hope you enjoy the challenge so far, it's only the beginning... Give it your everything guys, it's a crazy experience!


Nina Dusautoy
27th May 2024

Well done everyone for your achievements so far, keep it up. To Pavel and Thomas from Grangemouth enjoy the experience.

David Paterson
27th May 2024

Jacob I know you are smashing it!!! Keep up the positive vibes you always bring. Looking forward to hearing all about the exact bag kg for the hikeeeee. Un abrazoooo. Lina <3

27th May 2024

Nothing is impossible! Good luck and fun to the whole INNAM24 team. Specially to Nico and Johannes from Cologne!

Dietmar van Baarsen / Cologne
26th May 2024

Un abrazo 🤗 con todo el ánimo y fuerza de campeón como lo ha Sido y seguirá dando ejemplo de fortaleza ánimo luego vendrá el descanso
Arriba campeón

Jesus Omar Escobar
26th May 2024


We all believe in you! You have trained hard for this moment and we are praying for your success. We love you and are very proud of you!

Andres E. Cabrera
26th May 2024

Good luck 2024 InNam grads! Enjoy every minute of the adventure!

Caitlin Beeghly
26th May 2024

Good luck out there Fernando!! We will be cheering you on from here!

Hady Hernandez
26th May 2024

IN NAM ’24,

Good luck and relish every minute of this incredible experience. Special shout out to the best support team on the planet!

Safe journey

Greg Fordyce

Greg Fordyce
26th May 2024

Hallo Thomas,

der erste Tag ist geschafft und wir wünschen dir und dem ganzen Team eine erholsame Nacht und morgen neue Energie und Spaß
Liebe Grüße

Birgit und Markus
26th May 2024

Congrats on completing Day 1! I know you're killing it out there. Remember, one day at a time! I can't wait to meet you at the end of all this! Love you!

26th May 2024

wir hoffen, dass es dir nach dem ersten Tag eurer unvergesslichen challenge weiterhin gut geht. Dass ihr viele unvergessliche Momente erlebt und alle fit für die kommenden Herausforderungen sind. Gemeinsam rockt ihr das!
Fühl dich herzlichst umarmt.
Kuss, Mama u. Papa

Cilly u. Bernhard Fromme
26th May 2024

InNAM 24, enjoy every minute. You will leave wanting to do it again !!


Declan Sealy
26th May 2024

Belles aventures Chris. Amuses toi bien,mes pensées t accompagnent et nous sommes impatients d avoir les premières photos et nouvelles 🤪🤪🤪

Greta janssens
26th May 2024

Courage papa Chris !!
On pense à toi, on t’imagine sur ton vélo au milieu du désert (avec tes superbes lunettes). Je suis sure que tu te débrouilles comme un chef !!
Nous, on est bien arrivées à Varengeville. Isaure adore le train, surtout aller fermer toutes les portes, tout en disant que « ca fait trop de bruit ». on parle beaucoup de toi (et des girafes!). On croit très fort en toi. Profite de cette expérience, qui ne se présente qu’une fois dans une vie !!
On est tous en forme en tout cas.
Love you Super Daddy ❤️

Blanche Moinard
26th May 2024

Daniela Cabrera : La confianza es la clave del progreso. Tú eres capaz de lograr todo aquello que te propongas y estas capacitada para conseguirlo. No dejes que nada te haga dudar de tus aptitudes, cree y confía en tus habilidades. Éxitos y bendiciones te deseamos tía Fanny y abuela Paula . Dios te bendiga 🙏🫂🌿🌷🌿

Fanny Gonzalez
26th May 2024

Day 1 is already complete and I’m sure all of you smashed it, conquering that deep sandy hill! Take tonight to think about how far you’ve already come and the adventures yet to come as you sit around the campfire under the stars. Special shout-out to Team USA (go Daniela, Meaghan, Fernando, Darrin, Reed and Chris!!) Y’all make us so proud!
Hugs to Jane, Lloyd, Pat and Phill. I know you’ll be impressed at how everyone “cracks on” :)

Anupriya Gupta
26th May 2024

Dios te bendiga Danielita.

Abuela Paula
26th May 2024

As you are getting ready to begin the challenge tomorrow remember to have fun, breathe, be present, give thanks to God, and repeat. Few people get the chance to go to Namibia, let alone do what you will do! Mami and papi will be rooting for you. Dios te bendiga mi amor.

26th May 2024

Christophe, Wim,
All the very best of luck for your Namibia challenge! I hope you enjoy every second - I guarantee it will be an amazing once in lifetime experience. Hope all the training and finely tuned muscles pay off! Have a great time, David

David K
25th May 2024

I am so proud of you and amazed at all the things you do! You're such a an inspiration to me. I know you're going to do awesome this week. Cleo says you can do it, as well! Good luck out there! You got this! Love you so much!

25th May 2024

Good luck Chris, we're all very proud of you! Enjoy the moment. What an adventure!

Nicolas Baranowski
25th May 2024

Goodluck Reed!!
The kids and I are very proud of you for taking on this new challenge! You’re going to do great! We can’t wait to hear about your trip. We miss you so much already! We love you bunches!

Love, Courtney, Addie, and Bennett

Courtney Pyers
25th May 2024

C’est parti mon Chris !! Enjoy every moment, every landscape (even when it gets tough) 🤩 You can be really proud of you, it’s amazing what you’ve done this whole year !! Keep believe in yourself.
We can't wait to listen to your stories, and Isaure wonders what animals you'll see.
Best of luck to you and the whole team. 💪🏻
We send you all our love and kisses. 🥰
You can do it 🔥
Isaure et Blanche

Blanche Moinard
25th May 2024

Daniela querida,
Mami and papi are so excited for you!!!! Enjoy every minute of this extraordinary life experience. We know you can do it. You are wired to do hard things. You are our warrior. We pray To God for strength and endurance for you and your co-workers. May God grant you the energy and perseverance to face every task and responsibility that lies ahead.we love you ❤️

Andres and Dorys Cabrera
25th May 2024

Daniela all the best from Houston, Texas. Your are warrior and strong you can do this and more. Go strong we support you all the way!! 🙏🙏👍👍

Andres and Dorys Cabrera
25th May 2024

Daniela querida,
Mami and papi are so excited for you!!!! Enjoy every minute of this extraordinary life experience. We know you can do it. You are wired to do hard things. You are our warrior. We pray To God for strength and endurance for you and your co-workers. May God grant you the energy and perseverance to face every task and responsibility that lies ahead.we love you ❤️
May 24, 2024

Andres & Dorys Cabrera